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Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska Fairbanks

Scientists at the Geophysical Institute study geophysical processes in action from the center of Earth to the surface of the sun and beyond. The Institute turns data and observations into information useful for research, state and national needs. Much of this research is performed by Institute faculty, staff and students as part of their regular work.

An Act of Congress established the Geophysical Institute in 1946. Since that time, the Institute has earned an international reputation for studying Earth and its physical environments at high latitudes and is now diversified into seven major research units. Institute faculty and research staff serve on a number of advisory boards providing scientific evaluation and ideas for a wide range of concerns.

At the Geophysical Institute, research and education proceed hand-in-hand. Opportunities abound for undergraduate and graduate research with our renowned scientists.

GI Director announces new State Seismologist and Seismic Network Manager

State Seismologist Mike West. GI photo.

A message from Geophysical Institute Director Bob McCoy:


GI Faculty, Staff, Students and Colleagues:


With the retirement of Prof. Roger Hansen, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Assoc. Prof. Mike West as the new State Seismologist and the designation of Dr. Natalia Rupert as the Seismic Network Manager. Alaska is an exciting place for seismologists, with significant new opportunities coming to Alaska in the near future (EarthScope/GeoPRISMS). Please join me in congratulating Mike and Natasha and please do whatever you can to help them in their new roles.



Photo: New State Seismologist Mike West; photo by Todd Paris.


For more information about the Alaska Earthquake Information Center and the Geophysical Institute Seismology Research Group, visit:

http://www.aeic.alaska.edu and http://www.gi.alaska.edu/research/seismo.

UAF is an AA/EO employer and educational institution. Last update Winter 2010 by Webmaster.
Copyright © 2010 Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks.