Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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U.S. Department of Energy

Nuclear Systems Analysis

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The Nuclear Systems Analysis Department activities concentrate on Advanced Systems & Methods, Reactor & Fuel Cycle Analysis, Simulation and Methods, Applied Physics & Nuclear Data, Criticality Safety, and Fuels & Materials Modeling.





Other Resources / News Items

News Releases / In the Press

  • Thorium: Better than uranium for nuclear power? — Temitope Taiwo shared his views about Thorium as nuclear fuel during a radio interview with Viewpoints radio magazine. To listen to the podcast follow the link and then choose “Thorium: Better than uranium for nuclear power? (May 22, 2011)” from the list of archived podcasts. (May 22, 2011)
  • Q&A: Nuclear Power Expert Explains Japan's Crisis — Temitope Taiwo interviewed by Live Science (Mar. 14, 2011)
  • Putting the new in nuclear
    Ever since the beginning of the nuclear age, the peaceful use of atomic energy has revolved around the development and commercialization of water-cooled thermal nuclear reactors. Although those reactors have long generated a plentiful, carbon-neutral source of energy, they may soon no longer adequately meet America's needs. Argonne's expertise in designing a more resourceful and cleaner type of nuclear reactor has enabled enormous gains in the efficiency and safety of nuclear power.
    - Argonne  Now magazine (Fall 2009)

Related Documents

Nuclear Data Measurement Reports series

Fact Sheets:

  • PROTEUS - Simulation Toolset for Reactor Physics and Fuel Cycle AnalysissSimulation Toolset for Reactor Physics and Fuel Cycle Analysis [972KB]
    Argonne National Laboratory’s powerful reactor physics toolset, PROTEUS, empowers users to create optimal reactor designs quickly, reliably and accurately. The PROTEUS toolset can be used to analyze a fast reactor’s entire fuel cycle, including cross section generation, radiation transport and fuel cycle modeling. The modeling capabilities within PROTEUS enable accurate and efficient simulation, the key to reducing both design and future construction costs.



Last Modified: Wed, November 28, 2012 4:46 PM




Dr. Temitope Taiwo

For more information:

For more information, please contact Dr. Temitope Taiwo (+1-630-252-4500 or ) at Argonne.
Biography Executive Bio


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