OHHI in the Media

May 2011

A Look at the Gulf One Year Later: NOAA's Role and Monitoring Health Impacts to the Environment and Wildlife

ABC KTRK-TV, Houston, TX: Scientists study dolphins to assess oil spill damage

WGNO News: Scientists Monitoring Dolphin Population Following Oil Spill

CNN: Gulf Coast Wildlife One Year Later

LA Times: Post-spill gulf environment appears to have escaped catastrophe, for now

NOLA.com: Researchers study dolphins to determine possible effects of oil spill

February 2011

Press coverage of OHHI's "In Hot Water: Rising Public Health Concerns from Changing Ocean Conditions" at the 2011 American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in Washington, DC.

National Geographic Daily News: 3 surprising ways global warming could make you sick

Agence France Presse: Global warming could spur toxic algae, bacteria in seas

Yahoo News: Global warming could spur toxic algae, bacteria in sea

The Telegraph (UK): Dust from Africa may increase risk of seafood poisoning

Environmental Research Web: Increasing red tides threaten shellfish industry

Wisconsin Public Radio/Superior Telegram: Study suggests spring rains could cause more problems

Discovery News: Top Three American Health Threats from Climate Change

Also covered in: New York Daily Times, Medical News Today, China Post, Bangkok Post, Jakarta Globe, Times of India, Manila Bulletin, EcoSurvivor.com, Newsroom America, RedOrbit, GrindTV.com, CoastalCare.org, Mother Nature Network, Dawn.com, ThinQ.co.uk, and other science blogs.

December 2010

OHHI provides support for the Cape Farewell 2010 Expedition.
November 2010

Capital News Service: New technology unveiled to test beach contamination in Michigan with the participation of the OHHI Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health.

Press coverage of the Vibrios in the Environment Meeting:

    Mississippi Press - Gigantic Deepwater Horizon oil plume disappeared two weeks after well capped

    WLOX-TV - Oil-eating bacteria; topic at conference of scientists in Biloxi.


March 2010

NOS Video on OHHI Studies of Sea Lion Sickness
February 2010

Press coverage of AAAS "Decoding the Secret Pathologies of Dolphins: Significance for Human and Ocean Health" press briefing:

January 2010

23 Jan: WKYC TV - Scientists say toxic 'algae blooms' returning to Lake Erie

November 2009

16 Nov: Washington State Toxic Algae Threatens Razor Clam Harvesting and Coastal Economy

   NOAA Press Release - Washington State Toxic Algae Threatens Razor Clam Harvesting and Coastal Economy (16 Nov)
   The Oregonian Story - Harmful algae could cost coastal communities (16 Nov)
   Associated Press Article - Study: Razor clam closure could cost $22 million (17 Nov)
   Tacoma News Tribune Story - Value of clam digging to state keeps climbing (19 Nov)
   New York Times Green Inc Blog - Assessing Algal Blooms. Economic Impac t (27 Nov)
   Seattle Times Story - Trying to crack an ocean mystery: What caused killer al gal blooms? (29 Nov)

12 Nov:   NOS Podcast - Great Lakes Harmful Algal Bloom Bulle tin

October 2009

27 Oct: Will the Dolphins of Georgia Pass Their Physicals? (National Ocean Service)

September 2009

17 Sept: NOAA Announces an Experimental Harmful Algal Bloom Forecast Bulletin for Lake Erie

   NOAA Press Release
   Chicago Tribune - NOAA develops Great Lakes algal bloom forecasts
   Newsday - NOAA develops Great Lakes algal bloom forecast s
   Detroit News - System helps forecast Great Lakes algae bloom
   Cleveland Plain Dealer - Great Lakes scientists developing experimental algae w arning system for beaches, water intake
June 2009

24 June: Lake Erie: Beyond the Surface (video - WKYC TV Cleveland OH) - The NBC affiliate in Cleveland recently aired a four-part series on the Lake Erie ecosystem in recognition of the 40th anniversary of the famous 1969 fire on the Cuyahoga River that helped launch the environmental movement. In the 2 nd segment, modern agriculture as a source of excess nutrients in the watershed leading to harmful algal blooms is examined. Steve Ruberg is shown prepping buoys for monitoring of the lak e, and Sonia Joseph is interviewed about the CEGLHH's harmful algal bloom forecasts.

April 2009

17 April: Tropical Fungus Range Expands into Northern Waters (NOS Weekly News)

17 April: Flame Retardants Found in U.S. Coastal Ecosystems Nationwide (NOS Weekly News)

February 2009

18 February: Peter Moeller: Deep Sea Medical Discovery (video; ABC4 Charleston, SC)

13 February: OHHI hosted "Fighting the Rising Tide of Antibiotic Resistance: Causes and Cures from the Sea" at AAAS 09

      2 March: Ocean may hold clues to antibiotic resistance (American Medical News)

      NOS Making Waves: Fighting the Rising Tide of Antibiotic Resistance: Causes and Cures from the Sea

      14 February: Taking on killer infections (Charleston Post and Courier)

      14 February: Sponging Away Antibiotic Resistance (Science Magazine)

      13 February: Beach may be source of harmful bacteria, UM study say s (Miami Herald)

6 February: NOS Making Waves: OHHI Distinguished Scholar Rita Colwell: Using Satellites and Ocean Observations to Predict Cholera Outbreaks

November 2008

25 November: Dr. Lou Burnett talks about marnine animal health and the shrimp on a treadmill on the Today Show (video).

24 November: Dr. Frances Gulland talks about sea lion health on the Today Show (video).

10 November: Satellites map cholera outbreaks (BBC; Dr. Rita Colwell)

April 2008

7 April 2008: Phosphorus and its impact on the Bay CEGLHH scie ntist, Juli Dyble, featured in Huron Daily Tribune.

February 2008
OHHI at the 2008 AAAS Meeting

28 February 2008: 'Marine life in peril' in The Charleston (SC) Post and Courier

23 February 2008: 'An Effluent Study: Questions for Steve Bay' in voiceofsandiego.org

21 February 2008: 'A Poison Pill' in The Economist

21 February 2008: 'Chemicals In Our Waters Are Affecting Humans And Aquatic Life In Unanticipated Ways' in Science Daily

19 February 2008: 'Researchers link car exhaust fumes to heart attacks' in The Guardian (UK)

18 February 2008: Health Highlights in Forbes.com No longer available online. OLD LINK

18 February 2008: Sustaining Human Health in a Changing Global Environment Juli Trtanj, NOAA National Ocean Service, Oceans and H uman Health Initiative

17 February 2008: 'Chemical Threat to Planet Rising' in The Columbus (OH) Dispatch

17 February 2008: 'Study finds human medicines altering marine biology' in the Lo s Angeles Times

16 February 2008: 'Podcast on Emerging Chemical Contaminants and Human Health' in Science

16 February 2008: 'Mixtures of Pesticides May Increase Toxicity to Fish and Humans' Nat Scholz, NOAA's West Coast Center for Ocea ns and Human Health

16 February 2008: 'Study of Oil Spill's Effect on Fish Unlocks a Threat to Human Heart' John Incarona, NOAA's West Coast Cente r for Oceans and Human Health

16 February 2008: Pesticide Brew Spells Trouble for Salmon in ScienceNOW

16 February 2008: New Findings on Emerging Contaminants COMPASS Press Release

16 February 2008: From Kitchen Sinks to Ocean Basins: Emerging Chemical Contaminants and Human Health

7 February 2008:'Scientists Investigate Mysterious Duck Die-offs' in Oceanus

November 2007

19 November 2007'Cloudy Waters' HML scientist Denise Sanger featured on Charleston ABC-TV

September 2007

25 September 2007: 'Tracking Erie's deadly algae' CEGLHH scientist George Leshkevich featured in the Columbus Dispatch

22 September 2007: CEGLHH scientists Joan Rose and Juli Dyble featured in the Ann Arbor News discussing the "muck" issue affecting Lake Huron beaches No longer available online

3 September 2007: GLERL scientist George Leshkevich featured in the Ann Arbor News discussing cooperative research between NOAA/GLERL and NASA that relies on remote sensing imagery to track harmful algal booms in Lake Erie No longer available online

August 2007

30 August 2007: 'Pollution from stormwater threatens harbor' Hollings Ma rine Laboratory featured in the Charleston Post and Courier

July 2007

30 July 2007: Drs. Dave Schwab and Gary Fahnenstiel, of the NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health (CEGLHH) featured in the Muskegon Chronicle discussin g current beach monitoring protocols No longer available online

18 July 2007: Dr. Gary Fahnenstiel (HAB researcher with the Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health) was quoted in the Muskegon Chronicle discussing the rela tionship between quagga mussels and algae No longer available online

12 July 2007: 'Scientists to dye river red again next week' - Sonia Joseph discusses the Grand River experiments in the Grand Haven Tribune. No longer available online.< /b>

May 2007

22 May 2007: EGLHH scientist Dr. Mike McCormick, was featured in the Grand Rapids Press regarding the NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health (CEGLHH) up coming summer field study on the Grand River, a major tributary of Lake Michigan. No longer available online

7 May 2007: 'Crabs on Treadmills' - Lou Burnett and Lindy Thibodeaux from Hollings Marine Laboratory featured on WCSC-TV. No longer available online

April 2007

12 April 2007: Michigan Harmful Algal Bloom Stakeholder Workshop featured in the Bay City Times. No longer available online For further information on the Michigan Harmful Algal Bloom Stakeholder Workshop click here.

March 2007

25 March 2007: 'Warning system speeds word of toxic algae' Dr. Vera Trainer (West Coast Center for Oceans and Human Health) discusses a new rapid detection method for identification of toxic algae on the Earth & Sky Radio Series

23 March 2007: NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health's Wisconsin Harmful Algal Bloom Stakeholder Workshop, which was held on March 22, was featured in the Green Bay Press Gazette. No longer available online

21 March 2007: NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health's Wisconsin Harmful Algal Bloom Stakeholder Workshop, which was held on March 22, was featured in the Green Bay Press Gazette. No longer available online

14 March 2007: 'Losing the scent of danger' - Dr. Nathaniel Scholz and colleagues (West Coast Center for Oceans and Human Health) discuss how copper from stormwater runoff affects salmon olfaction and behavior in Environmental Science and Technology Online. No longer available online

8-9 March 2007: NOAA Oceans and Human Health Initiative (OHHI) National Advisory Panel Meeting, March 8-9, 2007

NOAA's Oceans and Human Health Initiative (OHHI) Advisory Panel convened for its second meeting to advise the OHHI in its aim to improve understanding of the role of the oceans in human health. The 15-member Panel constitutes a balanced representation of individuals with multi-disciplinary expertise in the marine and biomedical sciences. The panel meets twice yearly. This meeting was held in Seattle, Washington and included a visit to the Northwest Fisheries Science Center which houses the Northwest Center for Oceans and Human Health, one of three NOAA Centers of Excellence for Oceans and Human Health. The meeting covered (1) approval of the Advisory Panel Charter; (2) review of OHHI vision, mission, goals and strategic objectives; (3) review of ongoing public information and outreach activities, products and services; and (4) update on Congressionally mandated interagency and agency OHH reports. For further information contact Juli Trtanj (juli.trtanj@noaa.gov).

February 2007

16 February 2007: NOAA OHHI Hosts AAAS symposium

NOAA's Oceans and Human Health Initiative (OHHI) hosted a symposium entitled "Wave of the Future: Predicting Human Health Threats in Our Oceans", at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) annual meeting in San Francisco, California on February 16, 2007. This session convened 8 representatives of OHHI.S Centers of Excellence for OHH, external grants and distinguished scholars programs to discuss remote sensing and genomic-based technologies, environmental and public health biosensors, zoonotic disease surveillance of marine mammals and seabirds, and oceanographic modeling tools that when linked to U.S. and global ocean observing systems can ultimately create a framework for early warning systems to detect, predict and prevent ocean-related health risks to humans. For more information contact Carolyn.Sotka@noaa.gov.

7 February 2007: NOAA CEGLHH Addresses and Identifies Stakeholder Needs

The GLERL-based NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health (CEGLHH) hosted a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Stakeholder Needs Assessment Workshop on February 7, 2007 at the University of Toledo's Lake Erie Center. The purpose of this workshop was to bring together Ohio drinking water operators, public health officials, beach managers, wastewater operators, tribes, agriculturalists, and decision makers interested in harmful algal blooms in order to determine the extent of the harmful algal bloom issue in the Western Lake Erie, create a venue to understand and assess existing knowledge of HABs, and identify methods in which HABs are monitored for and reported to the public. Approximately 60 stakeholders from public health, drinking water, beach management, academia, U.S. and Canadian federal, state, county, and city governments, and community members participated in this workshop which consisted of presentations from nationally recognized HAB experts and Sea Grant facilitated focus group discussions to identify stakeholder needs. The information obtained from this workshop will assist CEGLHH in providing focused and valuable research, tools, and technology to predict and reduce HABs in the Great Lakes Basin and will be shared with the greater HAB research community. This workshop is the first of its kind in the Great Lakes Basin and is the first is a series of three workshops hosted by CEGLHH in specific states afflicted with HABs in the Great Lakes.