
We have been allocated computing resources at BNL by the ITD group. Specifically, we have been allocated our own dedicated afs region (/afs/ In order to get permission to write in this region, please contact Matt Lamont.

The afs region is backed up and therefore is not one big contiguous space, we therefore have different sub-directories which are: Data, Users and Packages.


The Data subdirectory is then divided further into: MC Data and Detector Geometries. Currently, some of the PYTHIA and HIJET data are stored in this directory. We are wating for more disk

space to be added before it is fully completed.


In the Packages directory, we are keeping the MC codes. There are currently sub-directories for Pythia and HIJET. The Pythia directory has Pythia code in it to run e+p collisions. You can simply change the energy, recompile (make), and then run the code.

Last updated: Tue, June 03, 2008 by macl