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NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System

Description of NOAA's NOMADS servers hosting NCEP model data

Users of NOMADS are reminded that they should use the URL to access the system and they will always be placed on the current active server. As of Tuesday October 7, 2009, users that have been using direct IP addresses to access NOMADS systems may no longer be able to access the system.

Help Desk: Questions or problems please use the link to submit a service ticket.
Background Background documents about the NOMADS project.
Service Description: OCWWS Service Description Document

Click on link in the Data Set field for description and availability info.

Click on the column headings for description of each data access method.

Data Set freq grib filter http gds-alt
Global Models
FNL 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
GFS 1.0x1.0 Degree 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
GFS 0.5x0.5 Degree 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
GFS 2.5x2.5 Degree 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
GFS Ensemble high resolution 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
GFS Ensemble Precip Bias-Corrected daily grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
GFS Ensemble high-resolution Bias-Corrected 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
GFS Ensemble NDGD resolution Bias-Corrected 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAEFS high resolution Bias-Corrected 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAEFS NDGD resolution Bias-Corrected 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NGAC 2D Products daily grib filter http -
NGAC 3D Products daily grib filter http -
NGAC Aerosol Optical Depth Products daily grib filter http -
Regional Models
AQM Daily Maximum 06Z, 12Z grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
AQM Hourly Surface Ozone 06Z, 12Z grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
HIRES Alaska daily grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
HIRES East CONUS 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
HIRES Guam 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
HIRES Hawaii 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
HIRES Puerto Rico 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
HIRES West CONUS daily grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM-12 Alaska 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM-12 CONUS 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM-12 North America 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM-12 Caribbean/Central America 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM-12 Pacific 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM NEST Alaska 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM NEST CONUS 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM NEST HAWAII 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NAM NEST Puerto Rico 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTMA AlASKA hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTMA CONUS hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTMA2.5 CONUS hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTMA Guam hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTMA Hawaii hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTMA Puerto Rico hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RAP hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RAP 32km North America hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NARRE hourly grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
SREF CONUS (40km) 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
SREF CONUS (40km) Bias-Corrected 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
SREF North America (32km) 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
SREF North America (16km) 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
Ocean Models
RTOFS Atlantic daily grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTOFS Atlantic HIRES daily grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
RTOFS Global daily - http OpenDAP-alt
Sea Ice daily grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
Wave 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
Great Lake Wave 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
Multi-grid Wave 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
Hurricane Wave 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NFC Ensemble Wave 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
ESTOFS 6 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
External Models
CMC Ensemble 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
FNMOC Ensemble 12 hours grib filter http OpenDAP-alt
NCOM daily - http OpenDAP-alt

Definitions and Links

AQM Air Quality Model
GFS(AVN) Aviation run, now called GFS Global Forecast Model
RTOFS Real-Time Ocean Forecast System (old AOFS) model
CDAS Climate Data Assimilation System (Reanalysis), Global T62 Reanalysis model
CAMS Climate anomaly monitoring system
CERES NASA Cloud and Earth Radiant Energy System
CMB Climate modeling branch (EMC)
CMF Coupled model forecast
CPC Climate Prediction Center
EMC Environmental Modeling Center
ERBE NASA Earth Radiation Budget Experiment
ETA high resolution regional model
FNL final analysis, used as initial conditions for the GFS(AVN) and GFS(MRF)
GDAS Global Data Assimilation System, global T126 operational model
GRIB WMO standard for encoding gridded fields
ISCCP International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project
LaRC NASA Langley Research Center
GFS(MRF) Medium Range Forecast, Global operational Forecast System, run at 00Z
MMAB Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch (EMC)
NAM North American Mesoscale
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction, part of NWS
NGM Nested Grid Model, an older regional model
NMM Nonhydrostatic Mesoscale Model
NVAP NASA Water Vapor Project
NWS National Weather Service, part of the Department of Commerce
OI Optimal interpolation
OLR Outgoing Long-wave Radiation
PATMOS/CLAVR Pathfinder Atmospheric data/Cloud from AVHRR
RSM Regional Spectral Model
SST Sea surface temperature
TOA Top of atmosphere
TRMM NASA Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission
WRF Weather Research & Forecasting


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Page last modified: Thursday, 27-Sep-2012 19:16:55 UTC