OSAN Middle School

Osan Middle School


Email for Teachers: OWA - http://owa.pac.dodea.edu

Email for students: Gaggle - www.gaggle.net

Online Gradebook/Parent Portal: GradeSpeed - http://dodea.gradespeed.net

Teen Health and Wellness - http://galesites.com/portal/dodea/osanms

Online Technology Tutorials for Teachers and Students:
Tech for Learning Website - www.myt4l.com
Atomic Learning Website - www.atomiclearning.com

Online Databases:
ProQuest: http://www.proquestk12.com
Gale: http://galesites.com/portal/dodea/
Newsbank: http://infoweb.newsbank.com
Brittanica Online: http://www.school.eb.com
Webster's Dictionary: http://www.mwu.eb.com
Teaching Books: www.teachingbooks.net
ABC-Clio: http://databases.abc-clio.com

DoDEA Databases WEbsite -

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