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U.S. National Institutes of Health
Last Updated: 11/01/10


A resubmission is submission of an application that has previously been reviewed. The NCI will accept only a single resubmission to the NExT Program. If the resubmission also fails to receive access to NCI resources, the applicant should submit a new application. A new application should be a completely new project or a substantive redesign of the project, and should not simply incorporate minor changes in response to the previous review.

The resubmission consists of a Resubmission Summary not to exceed 2 pages. Applicants are encouraged to include an amended concept application in which changes are marked. Reviewers will have access to the original application.

The resubmission should include the following:

  1. A Resubmission Summary not to exceed 2 pages.
    • Explain how the application has been modified and strengthened.
    • Respond to the comments and recommendations from the scientific reviews. Address any disagreements with reviewers' comments.
  2. Applicants are encouraged to submit an amended version of the original concept application to highlight substantial scientific changes.
    • The amended application should follow the current "NExT Proposal Instructions" as described under "Required Documents for Discovery and Development Applications" and should not exceed 5 pages.
    • If the original application was submitted prior to the restructuring of proposals in April 2010, please add any sections that are now required for the application.
    • Substantial scientific changes must be clearly marked with underlining, italics, bold, or other formatting. However, if the changes are so extensive that essentially all of the text would be marked, explain this in the Resubmission Summary.
  3. Any work completed since the original application was submitted can be included as an appendix. Appendices should be limited to papers in press and preliminary data. Do not include entire RO1 grant applications.

Applications should be resubmitted according to the published NExT submission deadlines.

Resubmit an Application