Biography of Larry Mitchell | USDA
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USDA Biographies
Larry Mitchell
Associate Director of the Office of Advocacy and Outreach
Photo of Larry Mitchell

Larry Mitchell, a native of Texas and a former grain and cotton farmer, started working in Washington, DC in 1989. He currently serves as the Associate Director for the Office of Advocacy and Outreach. Within USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) Mr. Mitchell has served as Deputy Administrator for Farm Programs while concurrently serving as Deputy Vice President at Commodity Credit Corporation, and as Legislative Liaison while concurrently overseeing the Office of Public Affairs and the Office of the Executive of Secretariat. In the private and nonprofit sectors Mr. Mitchell served as President of K Street Research, and Chief Executive Officer of the American Corn Growers Association. Prior to serving at USDA, Mr. Mitchell held the position of Vice President of Government Relations for the National Farmers Union in Washington, as an independent consultant and writer on American farm issues, Director of Federal and State Relation for the American Agriculture Movement (AAM), and Editor of the AAM Reporter.