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Jobs @ NIH - Discover a Career at NIH: It's About Life

Vacancy Announcement

Director Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics

National Cancer Institute

The NCI conducts and supports cancer research, research training, health information dissemination, and other programs with respect to the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer, and the continuing care of cancer patients and the families of cancer patients. The NCI is seeking a leader to serve as its Director for the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG). This position reports directly to the NCI Director. The Director, DCEG is responsible for: (1) formulating, with the NCI Director, the NCI’ s major research directions and scientific policies for cancer epidemiology and genetics; (2) leading and coordinating a national cancer epidemiology and genetics research program including investigating a wide variety of lifestyle, genetic, and environmental factors associated with increased cancer risk; and (3) providing leadership for the advancement and prominence of national and international cancer epidemiology and genetics research and its translation to public benefit. Resources are available for an independent research program.

DCEG ( undertakes comprehensive epidemiologic investigations into the causes of cancer, including the role of tobacco, diet and nutrition, physical activity, infectious agents, occupational exposures, environmental pollution, other environmental exposures, pharmaceutical agents, radiation, hormones, and genetic susceptibility The Division also develops and implements innovative methodologic approaches in epidemiology, genetics, statistics, and related multidisciplinary investigations, and it conducts research into mechanisms of carcinogenesis, gene-environment interactions, and risk assessment.


Bethesda, MD

Required Qualifications

The successful candidate must have earned an M.D. and/or Ph.D. in a relevant health science discipline and have distinctive scientific expertise and extensive training and experience in: (1) cancer epidemiology and genetics research, and cancer prevention including screening and diagnosis; 2) state-of-the- art biomedical/cancer research, including laboratory sciences, and clinical sciences; (3) an understanding of clinical and translational research; and, (4) experience in managing and leading a large, diverse, international workforce. The individual requires unique expertise in cancer epidemiology and genetics research to provide strategic vision and leadership to NCI and the cancer community, to expand NCI’s presence in the cancer community, and improve the exchange and dissemination of knowledge related to cancer epidemiology and genetics research.


Salary will be commensurate with research experience and accomplishments, and a full Civil Service package of benefits (including health insurance, life insurance, retirement, and a Thrift Savings Plan) is available.

How To Apply

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, current curriculum vitae, complete bibliography, and the names of three references, by March 7, 2013.

Applications should be sent to:

DCEG Search Committee Chair
c/o Susan Ettehadieh
6116 Executive Plaza
Suite 502
Rockville, MD 20852
Or via email to:


This page last reviewed on February 12, 2013

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