United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Other VA Life Insurance

Frequently Asked Questions About VA Life Insurance

(The FAQs below cover all Government life insurance programs except Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and Veterans Group Life Insurance (VGLI). For information concerning SGLI or VGLI insurance, please visit our SGLI VGLI Site.

General Information

How can I find information about Government Life Insurance policies?
Can I purchase life insurance through the Department of Veterans Affairs?
I have Power of Attorney for a veteran. Can I change the beneficiary on his Government Life Insurance policy?
Can the ownership of a Government Life Insurance policy be assigned?
Can a beneficiary designation be made via the Internet?

Service Disabled Insurance

I am a disabled veteran. Do I qualify for insurance with the Department of Veterans Affairs?
What is the maximum amount of Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance coverage that I can get through VA?
How long do I have to apply for Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance?


I saw a notice about applying for a special one-time Government Life Insurance dividend. Is there any truth to this?
Do all government life insurance policies pay dividends?
What are the dividend options available to me?
How can I change my dividend option?


I have a policy with VA. How can I increase my insurance coverage?
Is there an time limit on converting my term insurance policy to a permanent plan?
My VA life insurance policy has lapsed. Can I reinstate the policy?

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General Information

How can I find information about Government Life Insurance policies?

You can obtain this information through this web site or by calling our toll-free number, 1-800-669-8477.

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Can I purchase life insurance through the Department of Veterans Affairs?

"Buying VA Life Insurance" contains information on VA Life Insurance programs that are currently open to new issues.

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I have Power of Attorney for a veteran. Can I change the beneficiary on his Government Life Insurance policy?

No, a power of attorney is not acceptable for executing a change of beneficiary for government life insurance even if certain state statutes allow it. The beneficiary designation can only be changed by the veteran or by a court appointed guardian, depending upon whether the veteran is competent or incompetent.

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Can the ownership of a Government Life Insurance policy be assigned?

The contract of Government Life Insurance is only between the US Government and the veteran. He/she cannot assign his insurance for any reason, nor can ownership of the policy be transferred. Only the insured can exercise the rights and privileges inherent in the ownership of the policy.

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Can a beneficiary designation be made via the Internet?

No. However, you may obtain the beneficiary designation form via the "Download Insurance Forms" page.

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Service Disabled Insurance

I am a disabled veteran. Do I qualify for insurance with the Department of Veterans Affairs?

To be eligible for basic Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI), a veteran must have been released from active duty under other than dishonorable conditions on or after April 25, 1951. He/she must have received a rating for a service-connected disability and must be in good health except for any service-connected conditions. Application must be made within two years of the granting of service-connection for a disability.

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What is the maximum amount of Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance coverage that I can get through VA?

Policies are issued for a maximum face amount of $10,000. Under certain conditions, the basic S-DVI policy provides for a waiver of premiums in case of total disability. Policyholders who carry the basic S-DVI coverage and who become eligible for a waiver of premiums due to total disability can obtain additional Supplemental S-DVI of up to $30,000. The insured has up to one year after being notified of his/her eligibility for waiver on the basic policy to apply for the Supplemental S-DVI.

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How long do I have to apply for Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance?

You have two years from the date you are notified that you have a NEW service-connected disability. You do not get an additional eligibility period if you are granted an increase in your current disability. Once you have a policy and are notified of your entitlement to waiver of premiums because of total disability, you have one year to apply for the supplemental $30,000 in coverage.

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I saw a notice about applying for a special one-time Government Life Insurance dividend. Is there any truth to this?

No, this is a hoax. Such dividend announcements are part of a recurring problem of misinformation that dates back to 1965. Unfortunately, this misinformation unnecessarily raises the expectations of veterans and service personnel and detracts from our ability to serve our veterans. The dividend "hoax", as we refer to it, had its origins in a special dividend that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), then known as the Veterans Administration, did pay to World War II veterans who had National Service Life Insurance policies. Approximately $2.7 billion was paid in 1950 to over 16 million of these veterans under the "1948 special dividend." Some time in 1965, the special dividend news announcements of 15 years earlier resurfaced and were mistakenly published by several newspapers. The special dividend had already been paid out to all eligible government life insurance policyholders and there was no new special dividend.

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Do all government life insurance policies pay dividends?

No, dividends are paid on the following programs: United States Government Life Insurance ("K"); National Service Life Insurance ("V"); Veterans' Special Life Insurance ("RS" and "W"); and Veterans' Reopened Insurance ("J," "JR" and "JS") .

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What are the dividend options available to me?

A policyholder may choose from several dividend options which are available. Follow this link for descriptions of the dividend payment options available.

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How can I change my dividend option?

By calling the Insurance toll-free number, 1-800-669-8477, and speaking with an Insurance Specialist.


I have a policy with VA. How can I increase my insurance coverage?

While the maximum amount of coverage on basic government policies is $10,000, veterans' whose policies participate in dividends can increase their coverage beyond that limit by using dividends to buy paid-up additional coverage.


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Is there an time limit on converting my term insurance policy to a permanent plan?

No, there is not a time limit for converting, however, the earlier you convert, the cheaper the premiums since the premium on your new converted policy will be based on your current age.

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My VA life insurance policy has lapsed. Can I reinstate the policy?

Requirements for reinstating government life insurance policies vary by policy type and plan. You can get specific instructions for reinstating your policy by calling the Insurance toll-free number, 1-800-669-8477, and speaking with an Insurance Specialist.

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