
  • We Can Protect Our Children and Our Constitution

    Jan 15 2013

    It is hard to imagine anything more horrific than the December shooting that took place in Newtown, Connecticut. By the end of that fateful day, we learned that 20 first-graders and six educators had been shot and killed by a deranged gunman. As a nation, we came together to pray and offer our deepest condolences to those who had lost a loved one. In the days and weeks following Sandy Hook, my office received numerous calls and letters from residents in Tennessee’s Fourth Con...

  • Honoring Those Who Have Served

    Nov 11 2012

    On Sunday, November 11th, 2012, our country celebrates Veterans Day. This day, which was originally named Armistice Day, marks the anniversary of the conclusion of World War I, which ended on the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month of 1918. This special occasion provides all Americans with an opportunity to come together and pay tribute to the nearly 21.5 million veterans who have served in our nation’s Armed Forces. We owe an immeasurable amount of gratitude to the...

  • Maintaining the Balance of Power

    Oct 04 2012

    President Obama has shown time and time again that he has no problem circumventing congress and abusing his executive authority when it comes to getting something that he wants. From the president’s executive order granting work permits to illegal immigrants, to his refusal to ask for Congressional consent before involving U.S. military forces in Libya, to his use of executive privilege in preventing the release of documents relating to the Fast and Furious investigation, it ...

  • Eleven Years after 9/11

    Sep 11 2012

    In big cities and small towns across America, we will gather to pay tribute to the nearly 3,000 innocent Americans whose lives were taken in a vicious and cowardly act of terrorism. These gatherings will be full of prayers and remembrance, while also demonstrating that although September 11, 2001 may have bent the spirit of America, it did not break it. Eleven years later, when we look at where the Twin Towers once stood, an almost completed World Trade Center once again domi...

  • This Labor Day Serves as a Reminder that Many Americans still Face Economic Hardship

    Sep 02 2012

    On Monday, September 3rd, our nation will observe Labor Day. This federal holiday provides Americans with an opportunity to celebrate the economic and social contributions of workers all across our country. Unfortunately, 23 million of our fellow citizens remain unemployed and will have little to celebrate during the long weekend. We have experienced over 40 months of unemployment at or above 8% despite a massive taxpayer funded stimulus package and three years of trillion do...

  • Regulating our Nation into Bankruptcy

    Aug 09 2012

    Two years ago, Obama Senior Advisor David Axelrod and Vice President Joe Biden hit the airwaves to proclaim that the summer of 2010 would forever be known as “recovery summer”. This media blitz was designed to tout the jobs that would be created by President Obama’s $800 billion dollar stimulus package. Flash-forward two years and we have now seen 42 months of unemployment above eight percent and a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) that has slowed to a 1.5 percent growth rate. Cle...

  • Irresponsible Defense Cuts Place Nation at Unacceptable Risk

    Jul 19 2012

    We face a severe crisis that could jeopardize both our national security and those who serve in our armed forces. Our military men and women will be hit with a $1.2 trillion cut unless Washington finds the spending reductions mandated by last year’s agreement to raise the debt ceiling. These automatic cuts, known as sequestration, were triggered when the Supercommittee failed to reach an agreement on a long-term deficit reduction package. I ultimately voted against the bill t...

  • It's Time to Unburden Business Owners of Federal Regulations

    Jun 15 2012

    By Rep. Darrell Issa and Rep. Scott DesJarlais It has been said before and it remains true: Small businesses are the backbone of our economy. Yet the Obama administration continues to bury American job creators with more and more red tape, and businesses are struggling to keep up. We cannot continue to suffocate our nation’s business owners and entrepreneurs with excessive and poorly constructed rules. It is time for businesses to grow, hire and contribute to a healthy econo...

  • Honoring those who have Served

    May 28 2012

    Every Memorial Day, Americans across our country join together in remembrance of the fallen heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service of our nation. Their courage and bravery helped to forge the liberties and rights with which we are so greatly blessed. Our service men and women are truly the embodiment of the indomitable spirit that has made America a beacon of hope for all those who have ever aspired to live in a free society. But our country’s greatness has no...

  • Despite What President Obama Claims, Reagan Would Not Support Buffett Rule

    Apr 24 2012

    In one of the strangest political turn of events that I’ve witnessed since being elected to Congress, the American people have seen President Barack Obama attempting to channel former President Ronald Reagan as part of an effort to garner support for his so-called Buffett Rule. During the last few months, the president has traversed our nation holding numerous press conferences where he has claimed that Ronald Reagan would have supported the very same Buffett Tax he is propos...