
AID’s Open Call to Diaspora Orgs

AID’s Open Call to Diaspora Orgs
Date Published: 
October 12, 2012
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) wants to increase its development impact by partnering with the private sector. Diaspora organizations have an opportunity to be part of this future

Open Data Initiative

Nat Manning at Hacking for Hunger
Date Published: 
October 1, 2012
Hacking for Hunger Highlights

Food Security OpenData Challenge

Food Security OpenData Challenge
Date Published: 
May 18, 2012
Food Security Open Data Challenge

Pradeep Ramamurthy

Deputy Counselor and Senior Deputy Director

Maura O'Neill

Senior Counselor and Chief Innovation Officer

Introducing Devex Impact

Date Published: 
October 26, 2012
Find out about a new online community at the intersection of business and development

June 26 Ideation Jam

This Ideation Jam was the first of three brainstorming sessions of FSODC to identify targeted food security concerns for challenge topics and experts to assume responsibility for advising on relevant topics.  The discussion varied from the need to target farmer-to-farmer interaction and local metrics and reporting, to how to incorporate the need for localization into a broader framework for requirement of global food security data collection

FSODC Challenge Questions from Harvest Choice

Collective submission by HarvestChoice Team at IFPRI

Investment Choices

1.     Would investing on fertilizers in farmers’ fields profitable, given the price of fertilizer and seeds and the marginal value of increased yields, and what would be the associated risk?

2012 VolAg Report

2012 VolAg Report
Date Published: 
July 3, 2012
The 2012 VolAg Report of Voluntary Agencies Engaged in Overseas Relief and Development provides a snapshot of work U.S. and international PVOs that are registered with USAID are performing.
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