-12/01/12   Bridging the Gaps While Partnering With AMHE for a Better Community
-11/29/12   President's Emergency Plan for Aids Relief Blueprint: Creating An AIDS-Free Generation
-11/29/12  Remarks in Recognition of World AIDS Day;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Benjamin Franklin Room; Washington, DC
-10/10/12  Remarks to A Group of Visiting Girl Scouts in Honor of The First-ever International Day of the Girl;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; George C. Marshall Center; Washington, DC
-09/26/12  Remarks to the UNAIDS Shared Responsibility Event;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; United Nations; New York City
-09/24/12  Remarks at the Clinton Global Initiative;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Sheraton Midtown Hotel; New York City
-08/08/12  Remarks at a Visit to Delft South Clinic and PEPFAR Transition Signing;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Delft South Clinic; Cape Town, South Africa
-08/08/12  The United States - South Africa Partnership: Going Global;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; University of Western Cape; Cape Town, South Africa
-08/05/12  Remarks at Camp GLOW, Peace Corps, PEPFAR Event;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Camp GLOW; Lilongwe, Malawi
-08/03/12  Remarks at Reach Out Mbuya Health Center;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Kampala, Uganda
-07/25/12   Administrator Shah on Gender-based Violence and PEPFAR
-07/25/12   Ambassador Verveer and Deputy Prime Minister Khupe on Engaging Men and Boys
-07/25/12   Ambassador Verveer on Gender-based Violence
-07/25/12   Deputy Prime Minister Khupe on Women and Girls
-07/25/12   Dr. Thomas Frieden on Gender-based Violence
-07/25/12   Empowering Women and Girls in the Global HIV/AIDS Response
-07/25/12   HHS Secretary Sebelius on Empowering Women and Girls
-07/25/12   Institutionalization of Female Empowerment and Gender Equality
-07/25/12   Mandisa Madikane on the Impact of Journalism on HIV Empowerment
-07/25/12   Women and Girls and HIV Gender Equality
-07/23/12   Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness in the HIV Response - Doing More with Less
-07/23/12  Remarks at the 2012 International AIDS Conference;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Washington Convention Center; Washington, DC
-07/11/12   Assessing The President's Emergency Plan For AIDS Relief: Past Achievements And Future Prospects For PEPFAR
-06/25/12   AIDS 2012: Key Lessons From a Decade of Action on Global AIDS, and the Way Forward
-06/01/12  A World in Transition: Charting a New Path in Global Health;  Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; Oslo, Norway
-02/01/12   Opening Remarks for Combination Prevention Event

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