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Tax Information

American Taxes

U.S. citizens are obligated to file an annual tax return based on all their worldwide income (even if, as a result of tax treaties, they may not have to pay U.S. taxes). American Citizen Services can help you fulfill your obligations as a taxpayer by:

-- providing you with IRS publications designed to assist American citizens to file federal income tax returns while abroad.

The nearest Internal Revenue Service office is located at the US Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany. U.S. tax forms can be found online at:

Polish Taxes

Detailed information about payment of Polish taxes can be obtained at local Polish fiscal offices (Urzad Skarbowy).

In Warsaw, the fiscal office is located at ul. Lindleya 14. The telephone number is +48-22-583-1512, or 583-1521. This office assists all foreigners in Warsaw.

In Kraków, the fiscal office is located at ul. Krowoderskich Zuchów 2, and the telephone number is +48-12-633-2041.