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Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD)

Other names people use for this condition
  • Cystic angiomatosis of bone diffuse
  • Gorham-Stout syndrome
  • Gorham-Stout disease
  • Osteolysis massive
  • Vanishing bone disease

Gorham's disease
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Gorham's disease is a rare bone disorder that is characterized by bone loss (osteolysis) often associated with swelling or abnormal blood vessel growth (angiomatous proliferation). Bone loss can occur in just one bone or spread to soft tissue and adjacent bones.[1] It may affect any part of the skeleton, but most commonly involves the skull, shoulder, and pelvic girdle.  The cause of Gorham's disease is currently unknown. No familial predisposition has been found. Because of the rarity of this disease, there is not standard therapy available. The main methods of treatment are surgery and radiation therapy. In some cases, Gorham's disease has improved without treatment (spontaneous remission).[2]

  1. Gorham's disease. National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). 2005 Available at: Accessed October 6, 2011.
  2. Gondivkar SM, Gadbail AR. Gorham-Stout syndrome: a rare clinical entity and review of literature. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2010;109(2):e41-48. Available at: October 6, 2011.
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