India High Technology Trade

The U.S.-India High Technology Cooperation Group (HTCG) was formed in 2002 to provide a forum for discussing U.S.-India high-technology trade issues and building the confidence necessary to facilitate trade in sensitive items. The HTCG Statement of Principles provides the framework under which the group operates.

The HTCG is a two day event which includes both industry and government dialogues. On the first day, U.S. and Indian industry representatives discuss ways in which the U.S. and Indian governments can facilitate trade and present the governments with their specific recommendations for each of the covered sectors. Industry sectors covered in previous HTCGs have been; Strategic and Defense Trade, Civil Aviation, Biotechnology and Life Sciences, Information Technology, Homeland Security and Nanotechnology. These industry recommendations provide a substantive basis for the government to government meetings on the second day of the event.

Work conducted within the HTCG has led to many positive developments in the U.S.-India trade relationship and has helped to promote bilateral high-tech trade, including:

• Of the $21.1 billion in U.S. exports to India in FY 2011, only 0.4% required a BIS license.

• Of the $1.9 billion in U.S. exports subject to the Commerce Control List (CCL) to India in FY 2011, 3.9% required a license.

• The average license processing time for India in FY 2011 (including deemed export license applications) was 36 days, a decrease of 1 day from 37 days in CY 2010.

• In FY 2011, 13.0% ($2.7 billion) of U.S. exports to India were considered Advanced Technology Products (ATP) items. Of these, 0.4% required a BIS license.

• Of the $341.8 million in U.S. ATP exports subject to a BIS license requirement to India in FY 2011, 83.5% were exported under a license exception (i.e., did not require a license).

• Increased private sector interaction has occurred with the two governments, including industry events under HTCG auspices and outreach activities targeting business communities in both the U.S. and India.