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The U.S. Embassy Blog

Ambassador Brown - 2011 Year in Review

The year of 2011 has been very successful for Montenegro and for the American-Montenegrin partnership.  The United States Government strongly supports Montenegro’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations and we offer our congratulations to the people of Montenegro for receiving a date to begin EU negotiations and continuing progress on your path to NATO integration.  Our countries have enjoyed wonderful bilateral relations which were showcased during Prime Minister Luksic’s visit to the United States.  I joined the Prime Minister in meetings with United States Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, both of whom praised the Government of Montenegro for the positive progress the country has made in many areas, including rule of law and defense reform. Visits of other Montenegrin top officials, including President Vujanovic and Parliament Speaker Krivokapic, were also successful in further strengthening our ties.

Our countries have continued to enjoy a strong economic partnership.  We currently have 25 American companies operating in Montenegro and the American Chamber of Commerce is working together with our Montenegrin partners to encourage even more interest in Montenegro.  The United States – Balkans Business Alliance organized a very successful conference in Baltimore this year, which I had the opportunity to participate in.  Another dynamic United States – Balkans Business Alliance conference is planned for 2012 where we will continue to discuss how Montenegro can serve as a hub for the United States investments in the Balkan region.   Montenegro and the United States are currently putting the finishing touches on an Open Skies Agreement which I look forward to signing in early 2012.

Over this past year, the United States Embassy in Montenegro has expanded and opened a beautiful new consular annex.  This annex will allow us to better fulfill our mission in Montenegro and provide improved services to Montenegrin citizens and our American citizens living here in Montenegro.  This is part of the United States Government’s commitment to facilitating greater exchanges between the people of the United States and Montenegro.

The United States Embassy has focused on engaging youth and women throughout 2011, through our Democracy Commission grants, student exchanges and outreach programs.  We look forward to working together with our partners to continue to forward this and other important goals in 2012.  We sincerely thank all of our partners, including the Montenegrin Government, NGOs, Media, Schools and Universities, Musical Associations and the Diplomatic Corps for working together with the United States Embassy on a wider variety of projects and initiatives, which bolster Montenegro on the country’s path towards Euro-Atlantic integration.
Montenegro has been my home for almost eight months now and I am truly impressed with Montenegro’s incredible beauty.  I have the pleasure of living and working in Podgorica, a vibrant city, which is building, expanding and changing.  I have also had many opportunities to travel around the country and meet welcoming and engaged citizens from many different cities and towns.  I have been impressed by the hospitality and openness of the Montenegrins whom I have met. 

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of the citizens of Montenegro a happy holiday season and extend my best wishes for a healthy, prosperous and productive New Year.

-By Ambassador to Montenegro Sue K. Brown