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Economic Data and Reports

Since becoming independent in 2006, the Government of Montenegro has adopted an investment framework to encourage growth, employment and exports.  Montenegro is still in the process of establishing a liberal investment regime.  Although the continuing transition has not yet eliminated all structural barriers, the Government recognizes the need to remove impediments, reform the business environment and open the economy to foreign investors.  

There are no distinctions made between domestic and foreign companies.  Foreign companies can own 100 percent of a domestic company, and profits and dividends can be repatriated without limitations or restrictions.

Foreign investors can participate in the privatization process and can own land in Montenegro.   Expropriation of property can only occur for a "compelling public purpose” and compensation must be made at fair market value.  There has been no known expropriation of foreign property.  International arbitration is allowed in commercial disputes involving foreign investors.

Registration procedures have been simplified to such an extent that it takes just one euro and four days to process an application to register a business.  Bankruptcy laws have been streamlined to make it easier to liquidate a company, accounting standards have been brought up to international norms, and custom regulations have been simplified.  There are no mandated performance requirements.

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