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Principal On behalf of the entire staff, I would like to welcome you to Bitburg Elementary School! If you are new to Bitburg Elementary School we offer you our warmest welcome. If you have students returning to Bitburg Elementary School, we warmly welcome you back to school. We are happy you are here and we look forward to our year together!

We invite each of you to become an active partner in the education of your child. You can do this by insuring that your child gets adequate rest, play, and nutrition and that he or she comes to school prepared and ready to learn. Reading to or with your child for just fifteen minutes a day will make a dramatic difference in increasing your child's reading skills and we encourage you to make this a daily practice. Visiting the school frequently, eating lunch with your child, and volunteering are other ways to be involved. Research tells us that students who have parents that are actively involved in the school do much better, academically and socially.

We are committed to our partnership with you, our parents and with our community. We take pride in knowing the school year will be a rewarding, challenging and exciting one. If you should have questions, please contact us. An open door policy is in effect at our school and you are more than welcome to visit and speak with us anytime. On behalf of the staff of Bitburg Elementary School, we wish our best to each of you this year!

Joe Masters, Principal