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Over 50 percent of the nation's population lives in coastal watershed counties. Can we continue to manage and protect the bounty and beauty that have drawn so many Americans to our coasts?


Coastal Population

Over 50 percent of the nation's population lives in only 17 percent of the U.S. land area, which generates a wide range of pressures on sensitive coastal ecosystems. As our nation's coastal watershed county population continues to grow, it is imperative to understand, manage, and protect the bounty and beauty that have drawn so many Americans to our coasts.

Beach Closures

Our nation's beaches provide a wealth of recreational activities for both residents and visitors. Clean sand and water are critical to a healthy swimming experience and the overall coastal tourism industry.

Water Use

The Nation's coastal communities share the need for freshwater with our rivers and estuaries. For coastal communities, there are obvious freshwater needs for drinking water, industry, irrigation, and power generation. For coastal rivers and estuaries, there is a less-well-know need for unpolluted freshwater, a fundamental resource that sustains healthy coastal habitats and economically important fish and shellfish. As our Nation's coastal population increases, and a changing climate potentially alters rainfall and drought patterns in coastal watersheds, we must carefully balance competing demands for a limited supply of freshwater.


Case Study Archive:
Connecting the Dots: The National System of Marine Protected Areas