The Holiday Season is a Great Time for Introspection and Reflection

As we prepare for the Holiday Season and 2013, I submit it’s a great time for introspection and reflection. When I think about the things that create meaning and enrich my life, I immediately turn to my family and close friends. When I’m near them during the holidays, I am reminded of the important gifts, tangible and intangible, they have given me over the years. The gift of family and friendship enriches our lives in significant ways and provides us with purpose. However, I know all too well that for many, the holidays can be a lonely time coping with separation from loved ones or grieving the loss of loved ones. The holidays can be especially hard for those who experience loneliness and are in need.
I am a firm believer that a simple act of kindness can significantly impact the lives of many. Over the past several days, the media brought recognition to a New York City Police officer who met a homeless man on the streets of New York who wasn’t wearing any shoes. This officer, recognizing this man couldn’t have been comfortable in the freezing temperatures, immediately went to a local store and purchased some appropriate shoes for this gentleman. This simple act of kindness reminds me of a famous quote from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”
As members of the Carl R. Darnall Healthcare System, we have done a fabulous job providing compassionate world-class medical care to our beneficiaries over the past year—one patient at a time. I want to pass along my warmest regards to each of your for placing the needs of our patients before self. During this holiday season I want to encourage you to spend quality time with your family and friends s to nurture these important relationships, which are vitally important social networks that most assuredly help us during the trials and tribulations of life.
As we approach the New Year, I would like to wish you a wonderful holiday season replete with the blessings of health and prosperity. To our beneficiaries, thank you for providing us the gift of caring for your healthcare care needs; it’s a privilege to serve each of you and your families. Ours is a noble mission and our sole goal is to provide a consistently positive Patient Experience for our Warriors, Family Members, Retirees, and Veterans. I commend the CRDAMC TEAM for their hard work and dedication in successfully accomplishing this mission.
Happy Holidays,
Col. Patrick Sargent
“Compassionate, World-Class Healthcare—One Patient at a Time”