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News From Washington

Current Issues

  • Troop Surge Will Allow Afghans to Assume Security Responsibility

    After months of discussions with top civilian and military advisers, President Obama announces he is deploying an additional 30,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan. A major part of their mission will be to help transition responsibility for the country’s security to Afghans beginning in July 2011.
  • Restoring Security in Afghanistan and Pakistan Is the U.S. Goal

    A stable security situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan that is sustainable by their governments over the long term is vital to U.S. national security interests and to the world, Defense Secretary Robert Gates says.
  • Civilians to Expand U.S. Commitments to Afghanistan and Pakistan

    When responsibility for Afghanistan’s security begins to transition from U.S. and international forces to Afghan authorities, U.S. civilians will remain to help develop the country’s agricultural sector, democratic institutions and other areas, Secretary of State Clinton tells U.S. lawmakers.
  • Maritime Pirates Threaten Everyone, Especially Africa’s Hungry

    Oceangoing ships are responsible for moving at least 80 percent of all commerce worldwide, so maritime pirates are a threat to everyone, especially those who are starving in Somalia and East Africa and rely on ships to deliver emergency shipments of food aid.
  • Sesame Street Celebrates 40 Years

    Sesame Street premiered in the United States on November 10, 1969, and is the longest-running children’s television program. Egyptian, Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian production companies now produce local versions of the program.