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Media Releases 2012

Election Comments

April 12, 2012

The United States and Papua New Guinea share a long friendship and a proud democratic tradition. The United States has actively supported Papua New Guinea’s democratic institutions since independence in 1975. The United States shared the concerns of many Papua New Guineans about Parliament’s vote last Thursday to delay elections six months, and we were heartened by the National Executive Council‘s decision on Monday to hold elections as originally scheduled starting on June 23.

All elections — even in centuries-old democracies like the United States—can be improved, but they should not be postponed. If elections were not to occur in accordance with the constitution in Papua New Guinea, it would establish a negative precedent. Elections fulfill a fundamental contract with the people and provide the state the legitimacy to fulfill its other obligations. If elections were not to occur in a regular and predictable manner, people would lose faith in the institutions of democracy.

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