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Final Decisions Rendered
Since November 1996

We are providing copies of all finalized decisions on petitions for modification from November 1996 on. However, only the original document mailed to the mine operator is legally effective. In this regard, the mine operator should post or retain a copy of the original document received in the mail from MSHA for purposes of Section 44.5(b) of 30 CFR. As our offering of petitions is becoming quite extensive (1,000+ and growing) we have forgone the menus we used to use.  Please use the "Search" feature offered below to find any petition that you are looking for.

There are three petition related collections set up for you to use. If you want search all of the petitions (to include denied and dismissed), use the Petitions box. If you want to only granted petitions, use the Granted Petitions box. If you want only revoked petitions, use the Revoked Petitions box.

You may "Search" for petitions by company name, docket number, 30 CFR section, a key word such as "roof bolts" and more. This "Search" feature is a comprehensive text search of the directory where petitions are stored. In otherwords, it does not search the whole web site, only petitions. We feel that this will be a much easier way to find what you are looking for.

If you need to fine tune any of your searches for each of the categories, there is a link provided to an advanced search page when you get your initial results.

For more information, please refer to this page.