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Information for Travelers
  • Medical Assistance
    Medical Assistance

    The Embassy of the United States of America in Phnom Penh assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons or medical facilities whose names appear. 

  • List of Lawyers
    List of Lawyers

    The Embassy of the United States of America in Phnom Penh assumes no responsibility for the professional ability or reputation of the persons whose names appear. 

  • If You Get Arrested
    If You Get Arrested

    When you are in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws, and American officials are limited as to how they can assist you. They cannot, for instance, represent you in legal proceedings or pay your legal fees or other expenses. 

  • If You are a Victim of Crime
    If You are a Victim of Crime

    Contact the U.S. Embassy Phnom Penh at 023-728-000 for assistance. Contact local police to report the incident and obtain immediate help with safety concerns. Request a copy of the police report.  

  • U.S. Citizens Missing Abroad
    U.S. Citizens Missing Abroad

    As concerned relatives call in, Consular officers use the information provided by the family or friends of a missing person to locate the individual. 

  • Death of a U.S. Citizen Abroad
    Death of a U.S. Citizen Abroad

    Each year, over 6,000 Americans die abroad. Most of them are Americans who live overseas, but, each year, a few thousand Americans die while on short visits abroad.