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Medical Treatment in the United States

An applicant whose primary reason for traveling to the United States is for medical treatment or evaluation should submit the documents described in the "Basic documents and photographs" and provide the appropriate consular section with all of the following information for adjudication of his/her visa.

  1. A medical report statement from a physician stating the nature of the medical condition and the possibility of treatment in Serbia or in Montenegro
  2. A statement from a licensed American physician, on official letterhead or hospital letterhead, describing:

    • the medical problem based on documents sent from Serbia or Montenegro
    • the treatment required
    • the entire cost of the treatment
    • the estimated time the treatment will require
    • the name of the person the physician believes will pay the cost of therapy or treatment
    • the relationship between the physician and the institution where the treatment will take place
    • how much of the treatment is in-patient and how much is outpatient.

Applicants should not send these documents to the Embassy directly as we do not have the storage space for them. Instead, applicants should bring this information with them at the time of their visa interview.

Even if complete information regarding the medical condition and proposed treatment is presented, it does not guarantee the issuance of a visa. All visa applicants, even those going to the United States for medical treatment, must prove that they are not intending immigrants.