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Fostering Economic Opportunity

MEPI’s economic projects promote entrepreneurship, job skills training, and economic advocacy to help cultivate broad-based opportunities for everyone. 

Project Examples:

ENTREPRENEURSHIP - MEPI is working with the Institute of International Education (IIE) to support a new generation of entrepreneurs in Egypt, Libya, and Morocco.  The project aims to promote and support entrepreneurship as a viable career choice for youth ages 16-35, helping participants embrace innovation and develop a strong business sense. 

JOB SKILLS - With activities in Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, and the West Bank and Gaza, MEPI-funded Education for Employment Foundation projects provide unemployed youth access to high‐quality, market‐driven training and the skills necessary for entry into the private sector labor market. 

ECONOMIC ADVOCACY - Capitalizing on funding and support from MEPI, the Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) has developed critical relationships with central banks and ministries of finance in Tunisia and Egypt.   Through these partnerships, FSVC provides training and technical assistance to stimulate the flow of credit and financial services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and improve the legal, regulatory, and supervisory environment of financial institutions.

 The Women in Technology (WIT) - Lebanon Association’s graduation ceremony; Beirut, Lebanon. © Institute of International Education (IIE)
The Women in Technology (WIT) - Lebanon Association’s graduation ceremony; Beirut, Lebanon.

On Prosperity...

  • "For just as democratic revolutions can be triggered by a lack of individual opportunity, successful democratic transitions depend upon an expansion of growth and broad-based prosperity."

    -President Obama, May 19, 2011