Rep. Wasserman Schultz Calls for No Drilling in the Everglades

FLORIDA - Gov. Rick Scott said yesterday that he would support drilling for oil in the Everglades. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) released the following statement:

“We need to be looking for ways to invest in clean energy innovations for the future, not talking about drilling for oil in the Everglades,” said Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20). “That’s a reckless and irresponsible idea that doesn’t take into account what the Everglades stands for in the Sunshine state.

“Floridians will tell you, the Everglades are a national treasure that bring thousands of tourists to our state every year. They don’t come to see oil rigs amid marsh lands. They come to see the natural habitat for many endangered species, or to catch a glimpse of a real live alligator, or to see manatees while canoeing along scenic wilderness waterways.

“It’s also a main source of drinking and farming water, in addition to serving as a safeguard against flooding that is a constant threat to our state during hurricane season. Many prior governors of Florida have recognized that the value of the Everglades is in its natural wonders, not in fossil fuels.  I hope for the sake of Florida this governor comes around to that understanding sooner rather than later.”

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