Statement on Oil Spill and Drilling in the Gulf - "Expanded drilling is a high-risk bet that Florida can't afford"

Oil spill.jpgStatement on Oil Spill and Drilling in the Gulf

"Expanded drilling is a high-risk bet that Florida can't afford"

Washington, DC - Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-20) released the following statement related to the on-going oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico:

“This spill is an example of the dangers posed by offshore oil drilling. I have consistently stood in opposition to the expansion of drilling off the coast of Florida, which, as this oil rig explosion has shown us, could easily bring spilled oil along Florida’s western and eastern coasts via the Gulf loop current.

"This latest incident is a clear demonstration of the risks of drilling. Florida’s environment is unique. Florida’s coastal region includes 85% of the continental United States’ coral reefs and the country’s largest wetland is the Everglades. These are resources you can’t find anywhere else.

"The amount of oil production projected from drilling expansion off of Florida’s coasts would do next to nothing to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Adding a fraction of a percent to the global oil supply will not lower gas prices, for Floridians or anyone else. Economically, oil spills threaten Florida’s $65 billion-a-year tourism industry, which relies on pristine beaches and clean water for boating and sport fishing. As the oil rig explosion and subsequent leak is demonstrating, a spill can cause the potential loss of billions of tourist dollars to Florida with the risk of jeopardizing our pristine beaches. Combined with the long-term environmental toll of a spill, expanded drilling is a high-risk bet we can’t afford.”

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