I'm Hosting A Telephone Town Hall Meeting Sunday August 30th - Here's How You Can Participate

(Pembroke Pines, FL)  --  You are invited to join me and Nancy-Ann DeParle, counselor to President Obama and director of the White House Office of Health Reform, for a telephone town hall meeting I'm hosting this Sunday, August 30, 2009 from 7-8 p.m.  This is my second of five telephone town hall meetings this year.

We will be discussing health insurance reform that combines the quality Americans need with the choice and competition we want. This is your opportunity to ask me questions regarding this issue.

To participate in my telephone town hall meeting, I need to have your phone number by noon on Friday, August 28, 2009.  There are two ways that you can provide me your phone number:

  1. The easiest way is to subscribe to my electronic newsletter, which will insure you are alerted to this and future town hall meetings, both in person and via phone. Simply CLICK HERE and MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR PHONE NUMBER
  2. Another way is to e-mail your phone number, in the body of the e-mail, to the following address: fl20rsvp@mail.house.gov

I've held two in-person town hall meetings this year (one in Miami Beach, and one in Weston) and I plan to hold at least one more.  This year, in addition to my in-person town hall meetings I'm using new technology to hold five telephone town hall meetings.  This allows me to reach people who may not be able to easily get out of the house, or who may not have easy access to a town hall meeting in one particular part of the district.  I hope that you are able to participate in one of my town hall meetings, either in person, or via the phone, because your input, thoughts, and concerns are a vital part of my job as your Representative in Congress.

Thank you,

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