
A.B.D. Istanbul Başkonsolosu'nun evindeyiz.

USConsulateIstanbulUSConsulateIstanbul·72 videos
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Uploaded on Dec 27, 2010

A.B.D. İstanbul Başkonsolosu Scott Kilner ve eşi Jan Kilner bizi Arnavutköy'deki evlerinde ağırladı. Türkiye'ye ilk kez Şubat 1982'de atanan Scott Kilner, "A.B.D. Dışişleri Bakanlığı'nda Türkiye'deki üç görev yerinde de (İstanbul, Ankara, Adana) çalışmış olan tek diplomat benim" diyor.

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  • flyguy4ever0

    Dear Mr and Mrs Klien, what pleasure do you all get from separating me from my wife? What benefit do you get from it? Why are you all making it hard for us? Nadeem Ismail


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  • flyguy4ever0

    Dear Mr and Mrs Klien,This is so cruel nobody is concerned, what if the same happened to you all, how would you feel? Put yourself in our shoes in our situation. Please help us. Nadeem Ismail


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  • flyguy4ever0

    I am a tanzanian citizen and even if I move to Turkey I dont speak the language it will be hard to fine a job, plus Turkey will only give me a week tourist visa which is not sufficient for us, I tried to apply to Canada and was told by Canadian immigration lawyer that the bar will affect our application to canada :( .I am sure you understand family values and have a lovely family. If you like to help us please feel free to send mea message. may Godbless you and your family.thank Nadeem Ismail


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  • flyguy4ever0

    Hello Mr and Mrs Klien, I am happy to see you both happy and smiling, I wish i was the same way spending time with my wife, but for me its been all depression and sadness since my wifes visa was refused at the Istanbul consulate. They interviews don't believe our marriage is real despite showing them all our documents. they put a bar on her from coming to the US to be with me.


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    This is a great video which could be posted by a consulate to show friendship between US and Turkey.


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