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Member News and Information

The mission of the National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards is to provide leadership, professional development, and collaborative opportunities to our members to strengthen their capacity to improve services to crime victims and survivors.  We share a vision of working together so that every victim compensation program is fully funded, optimally staffed, and functioning effectively to help victims cope with the costs of crime.

Our Members-Only section is open to managers, staff and Board members of government crime victim compensation programs.  Contact us if you need assistance logging in.

Our current featured issue is "Benefit Maximums."  More information can be found by clicking on the "Members-Only" tab to the upper right, once you've logged in.

Our latest Crime Victim Compensation Quarterly can be found by clicking here.  A report on VOCA funding; an analysis of the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act, and its implications for compensation programs; and some recent responses to inquiries from our members are highlighted.  

The Association's National Training Conference was held in Atlanta, October 1-4, 2012.  Thank you to all our member programs, whose representatives participated so actively throughout our four days of discussions.  Thanks also to our colleagues at NAVAA for sharing ideas and strategies with us, and to managers and staff at the Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council for all their help.  And we express our gratitude to the Office for Victims of Crime for its support of the conference.  

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An Association of Victim Compensation Programs . . .
Helping Victims Cope with the Costs of Violent Crime.

Crime victim compensation programs across the country help victims of violence every day, paying for the costs of medical care, mental health counseling, and lost time at work, as well as expenses that families face in the aftermath of homicide.  Close to $500 million annually is paid to and on behalf of more than 200,000 people suffering criminal injury, including victims of spousal and child abuse, rape, assault, and drunk driving, as well as families of murder victims.  The National Association of Crime Victim Compensation Boards is a living network of these vital programs, and can provide valuable information to victims and those helping them in their recovery.

If you are a victim, or someone helping a victim:

If you want to apply for victim compensation, you should contact the program in the state where the crime occurred.  There is no national or federal victim compensation program, except for U.S. residents who are victims of terrorism in foreign countries.

Our Program Directory, which can be accessed from this page by clicking on the tab at the upper left, provides highlights on the benefits, requirements, and procedures of each victim compensation program, as well as contact information.   Victims and others can use this information to get in touch with the compensation program that may be able to provide help. 

We also have a State Links tab above that allows quick access to each compensation program's own Website. Our General Info and FAQ tabs (above) also may be helpful for those seeking information.

A Crime Victim Compensation Brochure can be found here, with information about how these programs work to help victims.

Click here for Basic Information on crime victim compensation.

Click here for a Summary of State Requirements and Maximum Benefits.

You can find some statistical information by clicking here.

Contact NACVCB at (703) 780-3200; e-mail dan.eddy@nacvcb.org; P.O. Box 16003, Alexandria, VA 22302.

