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Office of Defense Cooperation

Cynthia A. Matuskevich

United States Embassy
Akmenu 6
03106 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel: (370-5) 2665641
Fax: (370-5) 2665640

Work hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 - 17:30
Closed on: Official Lithuanian and American holidays

ODC Mission

The U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation (ODC) Lithuania is a cohesive team of military and civilian professionals planning and executing all Security Assistance (SA), Defense Cooperation in Armaments (DCA), and other military-to-military programs in Lithuania. ODC Lithuania is responsible to the U.S. Ambassador to Lithuania and the Commander, U.S. European Command for administering these programs.

The U.S. Security Assistance program is comprised primarily of Foreign Military Sales of U.S. defense equipment, services, and training and the management of the Foreign Military Financing (FMF) and International Military Education and Training (IMET) grant funding.

Defense Cooperation in Armaments (DCA) includes support for the bilateral Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement, assistance to logistics and technology cooperation programs, and support to U.S. companies seeking to do business in Lithuania.

Some of the key military-to-military programs that the ODC office administers are the Joint Contact Team Program, State partnership Program and defense environmental cooperation. The Bilateral Affairs Officer within the ODC manages these programs and coordinates with the Pennsylvania National Guard to execute the State Partnership Program.

Within the framework of the Ambassador's Mission Performance Plan and EUCOM's Theater Security Strategy, ODC Lithuania supports Lithuania's military transformation to an expeditionary style force fully prepared to deploy in support of NATO and US operations around the world.

ODC Focus

  • To support Lithuania's military transformation to an expeditionary style force fully prepared to deploy in support of NATO and US operations around the world
  • To assist Lithuania with the Professional Development of their Officer and NCO corps
  • To provide military procurement advice and assistance
  • To promote the U.S. defense industry and U.S. defense business and investments in Lithuania
  • To facilitate cooperation in the fields of military training, education and technology.