U.S. Department of State - Great Seal

U.S. Department of State

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Find. Apply. Succeed! Grants.gov– home of Federal government grant information and applications - is now up and running! Two key features, Find Grant Opportunities and Apply for Grants, are ready for use.

Program Overview (.ppt)

Grants.gov (external link) -- All Federal agencies must post on Grants.gov announcements of all discretionary grant funding opportunities as well as all cooperative agreement funding opportunities. This must be done for all such opportunities except:

1. For programs that only establish funding opportunities in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) (external link);

2. When the award will be less than $25,000.00 and all eligible applicants live outside the U.S.;

3. For single source announcements of funding opportunities specifically directed to a known recipient.

Potential grantees can then respond to these announcements online via Grants.gov. Grants.gov then takes an online application and make it available electronically to Grants Officers and others in two formats: (1) Adobe Acrobat ".pdf" format; and (2) XML format. The XML format is designed for electronic grants systems that can handle a direct electronic feed of XML data into their systems. Since the Department of State currently has no such systems that handle grants, Grants Officers log into the Grants.gov website (external link), download electronic applications in Adobe Acrobat format, and then forward them via e-mail to anyone evaluating the grant application.

Potential grantees are strongly advised to register in the Central Contractor Registration database (CCR) (external link) since CCR registration is required when submitting electronic grant applications through Grants.gov. Click here for information to potential recipients of federal assistance on how potential recipients can register in the CCR database.