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Student Services

Student Services, also called Pupil Personnel Services is an integral part of the total education program and includes:

school nurses (DoDEA School Health Services)
school counselors (DoDEA School Counseling Services)
school psychologists (DoDEA School Psychological Services)

The PPS staff members partner with parents, community, students and other educators to assist in creating an educational environment conductive of academic, personal, social and career growth of all students.

Pupil Personnel Services (PPS)

The Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Staff at Sollars Elementary School includes: the School Nurse, School Counselors, and School Psychologist. Teachers and parents may make referrals to the Case Study Committee (CSC) or to the Student Support Team (SST) anytime during the school year.
Health referrals may be made directly to the School Nurse. All other referrals are made through the school administration, counselor, or Case Study Committee (CSC).

Case Study Comitte (CSC)

In order to implement the Department of Defense Dependent Schools” (DoDDS) compliance with Public Law 94-142, Sollars Elementary School has established a Case Study Committee (CSC) for the purpose of developing and implementing appropriate programs and services for students identified with a need for special education. The Case Study Committee (CSC) is responsible for accepting referrals from the classroom teachers and parents, to set up evaluation procedures, and to prepare an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) for the student who is diagnosed as exceptional, according to the definition of Public Law 94-142 and DoDDS implementing instructions.

School Nurse

Our school has the services of a School Nurse. A child with a minor injury will receive immediate first aid. Parents will be contacted if the School Nurse deems necessary. In the event of a more serious injury, parents will be notified immediately and an ambulance will be requested from the medical facilities to transport your child to the hospital. It is for this very important reason; we must always have your current telephone number and that of an Emergency Contact Person.  Parents will be requested to come and take a child home whenever he/she becomes ill at school. Parents must come into the school office and sign the student out if he/she leaves early for illness, injury or medical appointment. We ask that parents please keep their child home from school if they have a fever greater than 100.0 degrees F, if they are vomiting, or if they have diarrhea. The student may return to school when they have been fever-free (without the use of fever reducing medicine) or have not been vomiting or had diarrhea for 24 hours. Parents are requested to see our School Nurse each year to update medical records and whenever changes occur during the school year.


The school is not permitted to administer any medication including Ibuprofen, Tylenol, cough drops, etc., with the exception made for medication prescribed by a physician. If medication must be taken at school by a child, the physician and parent must sign a “Hold-Harmless Letter” authorizing our School Nurse to administer the medication. The medication must be given to our School Nurse in a pharmacy labeled bottle marked with the student’s name, time to be taken, amount to be taken, and the name of the medication. Students are not permitted to carry any medication including over-the-counter medications at anytime. If a student must carry their own medication a “Hold-Harmless Letter” and a “Permission for Student to Retain Control Of Prescribed Medication” form must be filled out by the physician and parent.

Hold Harmess Letter (PDF file)
When to keep Children at Home (PDF file)

Sure Start
Sure Start Application (PDF File)

Sure Start is an early intervention program for families in our school community with priority given to children whose sponsor’s rank is in the E1 to E4 or GS1 to GS4, (GS/National Security Personnel System (**NSPS, pay band 1, rank equivalent); or *Non Appropriated Fund (NAF), NAF1 or NAF2 range, living and working at military installations overseas.  Any sponsor whose rank is E5 to E9 or GS5 to GS9; or NSPS (pay band 1, rank equivalent) or NAF3 - NAF4, rank equivalent, who wishes to apply for the program, is eligible to do so – with the understanding that priority is given to students whose sponsor is the first eligibility category. The Sure Start Advisory Committee, comprised of school and community members, reviews applications for enrollment.  Priority in selecting 18 children to enroll in the program is given to dependents in the first category. Children must be four years of age by 1 September in the school year in which they enroll.