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Key Business Links

Key Business Links

U.S. Government

  • Department of State: Connects U.S. Government agencies to shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just, and democratic world and foster conditions for stability and progress for the benefit of the American people and people everywhere.
  • Department of Commerce: Works to strengthen the international economic position of the United States and facilitates global trade by opening up new markets for U.S. goods and services.
    • Foreign Commercial Service: Provides a convenient, immediate, and affordable presence in the Indonesian market, with critical trade information, personalized counseling, superior facilities, and the access it takes to do business in Indonesia.
  • Brings together resources from across the U.S. Government to assist American businesses in planning their international sales strategies and succeed in today’s global marketplace. 
  • Export Import Bank: Enables U.S. companies - large and small - to turn export opportunities into real sales that help maintain and create U.S. jobs and contribute to a stronger national economy; Provides working capital guarantees (pre-export financing), export credit insurance, and loan guarantees and direct loans (buyer financing).
  • Department of Treasury: Maintains a strong economy and creates economic and job opportunities by promoting the conditions that enable economic growth and stability at home and abroad.
  • Department of Energy: Works to ensure America's energy future, scientific and technological leadership, and nuclear security and to resolve the environmental legacy of the cold war.
  • National IPR Center: Stands at the forefront of the U.S. Government’s response to global intellectual property theft.
  • U.S. Trade Representative (USTR): Develops and coordinates U.S. international trade, commodity, and direct investment policies; Oversees negotiations with other countries.    
  • Overseas Private Investment Corporation: Helps U.S. businesses gain footholds in emerging markets catalyzing revenues, jobs, and growth opportunities both at home and abroad.
  • Small Business Administration (SBA) {}: Provides support to U.S. small businesses and small business owners across the nation through loans, access to federal contracts, and counseling.
  • U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA): Links U.S. businesses to export opportunities by funding project planning activities, pilot projects, and reverse trade missions while creating sustainable infrastructure and economic growth in partner countries. 
  • Department of Agriculture: Expands markets for agricultural products and supports international economic development. 
  • Patent and Trademark Office: Furthers effective intellectual property (IP) protection for U.S. innovators and entrepreneurs worldwide by working with other agencies to secure strong IP provisions in free trade and other international agreements.
  • Federal Aviation Agency: Strives to reach the next level of safety, efficiency, environmental responsibility and global leadership in the aviation sector.
  • Consumer Product Safety Commission: Protects consumers and families from products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard or can injure children.
  • White House: Aims to create the jobs and industries of the future and restore middle class security by investing in creativity and imagination.


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