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Information for Travelers

Each year, thousands of U.S. citizens travel to Burma for tourism, to visit family, and for other reasons. The Consular Office wants your travel to Burma to be safe and practical. The information in this section will help ensure you have a successful trip to or through Burma.

For comprehensive information about traveling to Burma, please read the State Department’s Country Specific information Sheet at:

We urge you to register your trip to Burma with the Consular Office. For an explanation of registration, see our page titled Travel Registration.

Important Note to all United States citizens traveling to Burma: Although many sanctions have recently been lifted, no Burmese bank accepts traveler's checks and Burmese businesses rarely have capabilities to accept credit cards. As a result, foreign travelers must enter the country with enough cash to cover all expenses, including unexpected ones. Please plan accordingly to ensure a smooth trip.

Although the Embassy does not endorse this service, ATMs at CB Banks in Yangon, Mandalay, Toungoo, Pyinmana and Yangon International Airport reportedly accept Master Card, Maestro Card, or Cirrus Cards in exchange for cash. According to CB Bank information, card holders can withdraw 300,000 Kyats (approximately 355 USD at current exchange rates of 1 USD = 845 kyats) at one time up to three times daily for a service fee of 5000 Kyats.


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  • Medical Care Information!

    Before your trip, the CDC recommends that you see a health-care provider who specializes in Travel Medicine.  If you have a medical condition, you should also share your travel plans with any doctors you are currently seeing for other medical reasons.  Please be advised that medical facilities in Burma are inadequate for even routine medical care. There are few adequately trained medical personnel. In an emergency, you will likely need to be medically evacuated to a hospital outside Burma.  Medical evacuation from Burma is expensive; we urge all travelers to secure medical evacuation insurance before coming to Burma.