Table of contents for Simple justice : the history of Brown v. Board of Education and Black America's struggle for equality / by Richard Kluger.

Bibliographic record and links to related information available from the Library of Congress catalog. Note: Contents data are machine generated based on pre-publication information provided by the publisher. Contents may have variations from the printed book or be incomplete or contain other coding.

Author's Note / ix
Foreword / xi
pa r t i / under color of law
1. Together Let Us Sweetly Live / 3
2. Original Sin / 26
3. The Special Favorite of the Laws / 50
4. Not like Bales of Hay / 84
5. Coming of Age in Nigger Heaven / 105
6. Exhibit A / 126
7. The Raw Deal / 155
8. Uncle Fearless's Nephew / 173
9. Stalking the Law of the Jungle / 194
10. One of the Gang / 213
11. A Foot in the Door / 238
12. The Spurs of Texas Are upon You / 255
pa r t i i / the courts below
13. On the Natural Inferiority of Bootblacks / 287
14. The Doll Man and Other Experts / 315
15. Charleston Detour / 346
16. Prairie Fire / 368
17. The Menninger Connection / 397
18. Jim Crow, Inc. / 426
19. "Stick with Us" / 452
20. The Pride of Virginia / 481
21. The Best Place to Attack / 510
p a r t i i i / on appeal
22. Going for the Jugular / 545
23. At Loggerheads / 585
24. The Six-Month Summer / 620
25. Arrival of the Superchief / 660
26. Simple Justice / 703
27. Visible Man: Fifty Years After Brown / 751
Appendix: Text of the Decisions / 790
Sources and Acknowledgments / 799
Selected Bibliography / 802
Interviews and Correspondence / 808
Notes / 815
Principal Cases Cited / 839
Subjects and Names / 842

Library of Congress Subject Headings for this publication: Segregation in education Law and legislation United States History, African Americans Civil rights History, Brown, Oliver, 1918- Trials, litigation, etc, Topeka (Kan, ), Board of Education Trials, litigation, etc