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Immigrant Visas

An immigrant visa is required for foreign citizens who plan to live permanently in the United States of America.

Immigrating to the United States to live permanently is an important and complex decision. This section provides information to help foreign citizens understand the application process and the visa requirements to immigrate permanently to the U.S. For detailed information on who can immigrate to the U.S., click on Visa Types for Immigrants.

Do you already have a scheduled visa interview in Guyana?

Click on Interview Preparation for detailed instructions on preparing for your interview.

Basic Overview of the Immigrant Visa Process

Step 1:

A petition is filed with U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) by a qualifying family member or employer. For more infomation on the petition filing process, please visit the USCIS website.

Step 2:

After the petition is approved by USCIS, it is forwarded to the National Visa Center (NVC) in New Hampshire for initial processing. The petition will remain with NVC until the applicant becomes eligible for an appointment.

Step 3:

After the appointment is scheduled by NVC, the case is forwarded to the Embassy for the visa interview and final processing.

For Frequently Asked Questions about NVC processing of immigrant visa applicatons, please click here.

What's New

  • USCIS Immigrant Visa Fee

    Effective February 1, 2013, all individuals issued immigrant visas overseas must pay a USD$165.00 USCIS Immigrant Fee before traveling to the United States.  Orphans, returning residents, and those issued fiance(e) visas are exempt from this new fee.  

    For more details on the new fee, including contact information for USCIS see:

Case Status Online

  • Check Your Case Status Online Enter your Case Number To Check Your Immigrant Visa Application Status Online.

                                CHECK STATUS

A Guide for New Immigrants

Notice: Fee Payment

  • Fees

    The U.S. Embassy in Georgetown does not accept credit card payments for consular services.

    All cash payments must be in one currency (U.S. or Guyanese dollars).

    The current exchange rate is G$202.00 to US$1.00. Rate is subject to change without notice.