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Enroll With Us

American citizens in Thailand are encouraged, even if visiting Thailand for a short time, to enroll with the Embassy’s Consular Section.  If there is an emergency, the Embassy will provide relevant information and other critical assistance to American citizens.  Enrollment is the only way to guarantee that we have current contact information for you and allow us to contact and assist you in such circumstances.

You may enroll online through the Department of State’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP). Enrollment is for American citizens only. STEP allows for entry and updates of contact information on the Internet at any time, making it easier for you to keep your information current.  The site also provides up-to-date travel information customized to your travel agenda and itinerary. The data provided is secured behind Department of State firewalls, accessed only by cleared personnel in Embassies, Consulates, and the Department of State, and releasable only under the provisions of the Privacy Act.

Our primary mode of communication in Thailand during an emergency is through our warden system.  The warden system consists of American citizens who volunteer to disseminate information passed on from time to time by the Embassy to other American citizens in the country.  We also distribute this information directly via e-mail to any American citizen who requests to be included in our warden notification network, by enrolling online.  To view recent messages sent under the warden system, please, click here.

The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program replaces our earlier registration system.