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21st Century Border Stakeholders Meeting

March 22, 2012
Matthew Rooney, DAS during his participation at the “21st Century Border Stakeholders Meeting”

Matthew Rooney, DAS during his participation at the “21st Century Border Stakeholders Meeting”

The U.S. Consulate General in Tijuana and the Mexican Consulate in San Diego organized the “21st Century Border Stakeholders Meeting” that was co-chaired by Matthew Rooney, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and Eduardo Baca, Deputy Assistant Secretary for North America, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico.

This important meeting, organized in coordination with the Smart Border Coalition, brought together representatives of U.S. and Mexican federal, state, and local agencies in the California-Baja California region along with the representatives of the business sector, non-governmental organizations, and local communities from both sides of the border, in addition to members of the Smart Border Coalition.

This meeting was a unique opportunity to hear the thinking from Washington and Mexico City about vital border issues in this region and provide feedback and ideas from local stakeholders to these important visiting federal officials