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The United States Embassy in Phnom Penh – Event Information System E*I*S

In an effort to keep all interested parties better informed of upcoming U.S. sponsored events and outreach efforts, the Public Affairs Office at the U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh has started a SMS texting service.  If you are interested in receiving information relative to certain Embassy sponsored programs, simply provide your name, date, affiliation, cell phone and signature of approval to be added to our SMS mailing lists.  Please check the boxes next to the texting group from which you would like to receive information as it becomes available.  This service is free of charge.

Note: This form is for people residing in Cambodia only.

Latest Embassy News

School / Business / Government affiliation:
Address (Province / City) :
Phone Number:
SMS - E*I*S texting Groups:
Educational Exchange Opportunities
Click the "Submit" button once when done.

Note: To unsubscribe this service, please send an email to