News / Arts & Entertainment

Purported Proof Found for 'Original' Mona Lisa

The "Isleworth Mona Lisa," seen here on in Geneva on September 27, 2012, is purported to be an earlier version of the "Mona Lisa," painted by Leonardo da Vinci.
The "Isleworth Mona Lisa," seen here on in Geneva on September 27, 2012, is purported to be an earlier version of the "Mona Lisa," painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

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by: Simon Harling from: USA
February 14, 2013 9:22 PM
Personally I have never been much impressed by the Louvre Mona Lisa. The Isleworth painting has far more similarities to Leonardo's earlier portraits like Lady With An Ermine than the 'official' Mona Lisa which seems lumpen, and lacks Leonardo's customary graceful lines. There have been speculations that Leonardo's assistant Salai, who was bequeathed the work and sold it to the king of France, was either its model or the painter. He was considered a mediocre artist and thoroughly dishonest. One thing is clear - whichever is the later painting, it is a direct copy of the original. The hands, fingers and drapery folds are precisely duplicated.
