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Doing Business in the USA

On this page, you will find a quick description of resources available for companies in Portugal considering investments in the United States and some suggestions for getting started.

Investing in the USA

President Obama announced the SelectUSA initiative to showcase the United States as the world’s premier business location and to provide easy access to federal-level programs and services related to business investment. SelectUSA is designed to complement the activities of our states—the primary drivers of economic development in the United States.

Getting Started

Insert language here describing the practical steps a potential investor (or exporter on the Exports page) should follow to make best use of USG services.

  1. Visit the website to obtain general information about investing in the United States. SelectUSA seeks to highlight the many advantages the United States offers as location for business and investment. From a vast domestic market, to a transparent legal system, to the most innovative companies in the world, America is the place for business. On the website you can browse business incentives offered by different states and territories.
  2. Contact us at the U.S. embassy to discuss your interests and needs
  3. Contact the nearest office of the Association of State Offices Overseas to learn more about state government resources


Portugal is a party to the Schengen Agreement. As such, U.S. citizens for business or tourism are permitted to stay in the Schengen area for 90 days without a visa within a six-month period. The passport should be valid for at least three months beyond the period of stay. For further details about travel into and within Schengen countries, please see our Schengen fact sheet.
For information regarding business visas please visit for detailed information.

Doing Business in the USA

  • SelectUSA logo

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