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Deputy Chief of Mission

Timothy Zúñiga-Brown has served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Quito since July 2011. Previously he served as Deputy Chief of Mission in Nassau, The Bahamas.  Before that, Mr. Zúñiga-Brown was the Team Leader of an embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team in southern Baghdad supporting the U.S. Army's 4th Brigade of the 1st Infantry Division.  Prior to this, he was Deputy Coordinator for Cuban Affairs in the Department of State.
Other Foreign Service postings have included Political/ Economic Counselor in Wellington, New Zealand, and political officer assignments in Lima, Peru; Pretoria, South Africa; and Havana, Cuba and as Vice Consul in Panama City, Panama and Durban, South Africa.  He has also served as deputy director in the Office of Southern European Affairs and as desk officer for the South Pacific.

Mr. Zúñiga-Brown is married and has one daughter.  He is a graduate of American University and the National War College. 

He is a native of Nevada.