Help America’s Businesses by Becoming a Presidential Innovation Fellow

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Guest blog post by Dennis Alvord, Executive Director of BusinessUSA

Today is a very exciting day for American businesses because the Administration has just launched Round 2 of the Presidential Innovation Fellows program.  This high-profile White House-sponsored program brings top innovators, entrepreneurs, and change agents into government for 6-12 months to develop game-changing solutions that benefit the American people in all kinds of ways – saving lives, saving taxpayer money, and helping to fuel job growth. 

Under the BusinessUSA initiative, the Department of Commerce and the Small Business Administration are pleased to support the MyUSA presidential innovation fellow project that helps American businesses access the information and services that will help them grow, hire American workers, and export to foreign markets.

Building on the work of the inaugural class of Presidential Innovation Fellows, motivated by President Obama's call for a smarter, leaner government, and inspired by innovative models of collaboration in the private sector, the Round 2 MyUSA Fellows will take government customer service to a new level. In particular, small businesses and exporters have a fundamental problem navigating the Federal Government’s myriad resources.  It can be difficult to locate information about government assistance programs or find and complete the correct forms for taxes or business operations.  MyUSA is working to solve these problems.  The project team will build and beta-test new features and tools for entrepreneurs and businesses with the purpose of cutting red tape, increasing efficiency, and supporting American businesses and American jobs.

What’s revolutionary about the BusinessUSA initiative and the MyUSA project is that it breaks the traditional mold for government-to-business and government-to-citizen interactions.  Rather than organizing services and information around the agencies that deliver them, as most Federal websites do today, MyUSA organizes services around the customer and the specific tasks they need to complete.

The White House is looking far and wide to build a talented, diverse, innovative applicant pool.  If you or anyone you know would like to support this effort, please learn more about the program at

pl help find Manufacturers of US Milk Products for Export-Whey p

We are an export company in business in New Jersey since 1996

We are desperately trying to source Suppliers of Whey Powder in the US
which is supposed to be the largest exporter of this product in the world
However non of the related Depts -USDA or the Dept of Commerce is able to give us this information
Can any one help?


The best place to start is with BusinessUSA's international business matchmaking service:

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