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Special Consular Services

The Special Consular Services section of the American Citizen Services (ACS) Unit of the U.S. Consulate General Guadalajara provides emergency assistance to U.S. citizens visiting and residing in Mexico. Special Consular Services is available to assist Americans in need from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm Monday through Friday. You may contact the duty officer at 52-33-3268-2145 in case of an emergency after office hours. 

Some of the issues our Special Consular Services staff address include: general information regarding medical assistance, what to do in the event of a death of a U.S. Citizen in Mexico, consular services for Americans arrested in Mexico, child abduction, general information regarding legal assistance, general information regarding financial assistance, victims of crime, general information regarding missing persons. 

Please see the links below for more detailed information.

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Contact Information

  • Consulate Hours

    U.S. Consulate Guadalajara
    Progreso #175
    Colonia Americana
    C.P. 44100
    Guadalajara, Jalisco

    (52-33) 3268-2100 Passport & Citizenship Services

    (52-33) 3268-2200 Special Consular Services

    (52-33) 3825-1951 Fax

    (52-33) 3268-2145 After Hours Duty Officer (Emergencies Only)


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