Newsletter for Navy & Marine Corps Medicine

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From U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Public Affairs Navy Medicine is proud to present the October 2012 issue of Navy and Marine Corps Medical newsletter. It features various articles and photos highlighting the great work being done across Navy Medicine around the world. Click here to view the newsletter online. Click here to [...]

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NMCPHC: You Serve. We Protect

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From Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) Health Promotion and Wellness. The mission of the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center (NMCPHC) Health Promotion and Wellness Department (HPW) is to provide innovative and evidence-based health promotion and wellness programs and services that facilitate readiness and resilience, prevent illness and injury, hasten recovery [...]

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Navy Medicine highlights strategic priorities


Vice Adm. Matthew L. Nathan, U.S. Navy Surgeon General This month, I would like to focus on Navy Medicine’s strategic priorities and highlight the release of our strategic map and the course our Navy Medicine leaders have collectively charted for the upcoming year. We live in dynamic times. In order to navigate the upcoming tasks [...]

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Communication Works to reduce Missed Appointments

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By Dan BarberNaval Hospital Twentynine Palms Showing up late or not showing up at all for medical appointments is an ongoing challenge for most military treatment facilities. In 2010 the average monthly appointment “no-show’ rate was 10 percent at Naval Hospital Twentynine Palms (NHTP).  This rate translated into about 120 empty appointments each month that [...]

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U.S. Ambassador discusses NAMRU-2′s efforts in Cambodia

Project supervisor Malen Luy, NAMRU-2, reviewing how to take GPS coordinates with the staff. (Photo courtesy of the Department of State)

By: Ambassador William (Bill) E. Todd, U.S. Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia One of the best things about being an Ambassador at an active embassy – like we have in Phnom Penh – is that we are always implementing many projects that benefit Cambodia.  Fortunately, I get the opportunity to showcase some of the [...]

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Navy Medicine is a global healthcare network of 63,000 Navy medical personnel around the world who provide high quality health care to more than one million eligible beneficiaries. Navy Medicine personnel deploy with Sailors and Marines worldwide, providing critical mission support aboard ship, in the air, under the sea and on the battlefield.

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