The Power of Acupuncture: Part 2 of 3

By Capt. Elwood W. Hopkins, Neurologist, Naval Hospital Bremerton, Wash. This blog is part two of a three part series. Part one was posted on Dec. 22. Most of us in the class were respectful of the information but remained skeptical. Could the clinical effects just be another placebo effect?  Certainly if subjective measures are the [...]

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By Capt. Bruce Meneley, commanding officer, NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit, Kandahar, Afghanistan. The staff at the NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit in Kandahar, Afghanistan give their best efforts for every patient, regardless of nationality, service or religion. We often care for local Afghans for extended periods of time and can become quite attached [...]

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Myth-busting Mold

By Lt. Cmdr. Genaia Hill, industrial hygienist, Beaufort Naval Hospital, S.C.    Like asbestos or lead, mold in buildings is getting a lot of attention as a potential health hazard. As an industrial hygienist, I hope to provide people with basic information about mold so they are better able to manage it and are less fearful [...]

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The Power of Acupuncture: Part 1 of 3

By Capt. Elwood W. Hopkins, Neurologist, Naval Hospital Bremerton, Wash. After 40 years of practicing neurology it was only natural to begin thinking about something else and when the e-mail arrived from our Specialty Leader announcing the opportunity to learn how to do acupuncture, I submitted my application to the Navy Bureau of Medicine and [...]

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Maintaining Mental Health During Holidays Important

By Lt. Steven Fernandez, Head of Naval Hospital Jacksonville, Fla., Mental Health While it is a myth that the suicide rate jumps around the holidays, the stress of the holidays can lead to neglecting the basic things that help us feel good: diet, exercise, rest, and peace of mind.  Taking care of our mental health—a subject [...]

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