Jefferson Lab > Public Affairs > Electronic Media
Privacy and Security Notice

Please Upgrade your Browser

Why am I here?

You have probably reached this page because your browser does not support the latest accepted Web standards, or you may have followed a link to this page in order to learn more about upgrading your browser.

Why should I upgrade?

The new Jefferson Lab website is fully compliant with the Web standards set forth by the World Wide Web Consortium. Although we have tried hard to make the content of the Jefferson Lab website accessible to everyone, the website design may not function or display properly in older browsers that do not support such standards. Upgrading your browser will improve your web experience by enabling you to use and view sites as their creators intended.

What can I do?

The following browsers support numerous web standards including CSS, XHTML, and the DOM:


Get Netscape
Get Firefox
Get Mozilla
Get Opera
Get IE


Get Safari
Get Netscape
Get Firefox
Get Mozilla
Get Camino
Get IE


Get Galeon
Get Konqueror
Get Netscape
Get Mozilla
Get Opera

I've upgraded—now what?

In addition, The Jefferson Lab website is best viewed in full-screen mode on at least a 1024x768 display with 16-bit+ color depth. We also recommend that JavaScript and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) be turned on.

Certain material might also require specific software plug-ins in order to be viewed correctly. The most common of these plug-ins are listed below:

Get Adobe Reader Get Macromedia Flash Player Get Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer Get Java Get Windows Media Player Get QuickTime Get RealPlayer